I specialize in exploring and applying the latest trends in robotics, development, operating systems, and self-hosting.
- Operating System: PopOS, Arch, NixOS
- Code Editor: Neovim
- Tools: Git, Tmux, Docker, Yazi, Radicle, etc.
- Keyboard: Corne Split Keyboard v4.1
Areas of Interest #
- Contact-reach manupulation;
- Modeling robotic systems;
- Applying reinforcement learning algorithms for contact-reach operations;
- Robot manipulator control using computer vision;
- Grasp pose detection.
Hard Skills #
Career Path #
Robossembler Project
Software Engineer
- Development of software based on the ROS2 framework
- Integration with Gazebo and Ignition Gazebo
- Development of a library for control programs and interface provision between Behavior Tree ROS2 and control programs
- Development of an environment library for reinforcement learning using ros2_control
- Development of a flexible Gazebo scene configurator library using YAML, with support for scene randomization based on Scenario
- Development of an efficient URDF parser and generator library capable of semantic analysis and automatic generation of configuration files for MoveIt2 and ros2_control
- Adaptation of existing open libraries to framework requirements
ITMO University (Master's Degree)
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Average Grade: 4.8 out of 5.0
Thesis: Development of a framework for robotic assembly -
Izhevsk State Technical University (Bachelor's)
Mechatronics and Robotics
Average Grade: 4.6 out of 5.0
Thesis: Simulation model of the ABB IRB 140 industrial robot manipulator